Burslem and District Darts League Rules
The league will be named Burslem and District Darts League.
A team shall consist of 5 players.
A match shall consist of 5 games. Each game consists of 3 legs. Away team to throw first in games 1, 3 and 5. Home team to throw first in games 2 and 4.
501 straight start. Finish on double, no arrows. Bull counts as double 25.
All games to be played on Tuesday nights unless prior permission is obtained from the committee and with mutual agreement between the teams concerned.
All matches commence at 20:30. Leeway is to be given to distance teams. Providing the away team is in attendance, the board is to be made available exclusively for their use from 20:15.
Match results: One point is awarded for each leg won. Maximum points available is 15. Results cards to be signed by both captains. Match results to be sent to the secretary as soon as the match has ended.
In the event of a team turning up with less than 5 players, the other captain is allowed to pick his team accordingly.
Teams can request early/late games for players needing to leave early or arrive late - at the team captain's discretion.
For cup finals, all players must be in attendance at the time of the draw and the playing order will be as drawn.
The home team is responsible for sending the result card to whom it may concern by Monday morning following the match. £5 fine for not complying with this rule.
Entrance fees to the league: £20 per registration fee plus £20 per meeting. All new teams are subject to a £20 bond which will be refunded at the end of the season providing that the team has completed all their fixtures. In the event of a team not fulfilling all their fixtures, the team will forfeit their bond money.
All registration forms to be returned to the secretary. Failing to do so will result in a £5 fine. New signings after this: the secretary must have 48 hours notice prior to their playing in a game. Deadline for signing new players is August 31st.
When a player has signed the registration form, he/she is committed to that team for the entire season. No transfers allowed. De-registration is allowed at the committee's discretion.
All matches to be played on a regulation treble board. The board to be firmly fixed with the centre of the bull 5 ft 8 inches from the floor. The oche line to be 7 foot 9¼ inches from the face of the dartboard. The oche to be at least 2 foot long, not necessarily raised. Players to stand behind the oche line, not on it. Points of darts thrown must hold in the board to count. Both captains to be present when the draw is made. A team will be allowed start with a minimum of 3 players. The home team to supply chalker or score checker unless alternative arrangements have been made.
All teams to have a delegate at the meetings. Dates to be confirmed by the committee. One apology will be allowed during the season but a £5 fine for each non-attendance thereafter.
If a team withdraws from the league, all games that have been played become void.
Team not to cancel more than 3 matches. More than 3 matches and it will be deemed that they have withdrawn from the league.
If a team is deemed to have withdrawn from the league, the following season they will be subject to a £50 bond. If a team withdraws 2 seasons consectively, this will lead to an expulsion.
All landlords and landladies are eligible to play for one team without signing the registration form.
Players who sign for 2 clubs in this or any other league on a Tuesday night whilst this league is in progress together, will be suspended and all points will be deducted.
Any team not fulfilling their fixture by the end of the season will lose 15-0. Matches may only be cancelled at the discretion of the secretary who must be informed immediately by the team wishing to cancel the match. Matches may not be cancelled on the night and at least 24 hours notice is required. Free weeks are allocated to play any outstanding games.
If at the end of the season there is a tie in any position where monies are paid and cannot be seperated, there will be a playoff. Committee to decide where and when.
All the above rules are the standing rules passed by the members of the above league and will be strictly enforced. Any matter not covered by the rules shall by decided by the committee and the underlying principle shall thereafter become embodied in the rules.
Rules correct as of: 1st August 2024